Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Holiness and Teens

I have been struggling with the question of how to teach concepts of holiness to teenagers. When I speak of holiness I am not speaking of the ridged and rule/law based holiness of the Old Testament or the cob web riddled holiness movement, which were largely rule based. The issue is that as one develops more fully, matures in Christ it is not holiness that is the focus but the love of God. The love of God that is being matured in us that is what true holiness is. how do I teach this. Some teens in our group need more concrete  learning. Meaning they need to have an answer that says this is true and I can bank on it. Others in our group have matured to a place where they need more philosophical understandings of holiness. Such a difficult topic... What I know concretely from 1 John is that God is Love and that being in him means we are being perfected matured in love. This is both concrete and abstract.

Pray for me as I root this out. I would also love to hear any thoughts from teens or youth leaders.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

An open letter to teens

I have been thinking of all the ways, gimmicks, strategies and the rest which my self and many other pastors have tried in order to reach teens. In all honesty many youth leaders have felt this is the only way to reach teens for Jesus. In truth, it is Christ who calls us/woos us. There is nothing more needed than to honestly follow God as he reaches young hearts. So this blog is for teens first and than for youth leaders second. I am writing this to share what Christ is doing in my life, in teens lives all around and to discover together what it means to be a faithful Christ follower.

In Christ,